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Show-Stopping Sharpie Tie Dye Shoes – Free Tutorial

Why spend a fortune on tie-dye shoes from designer brands when you can whip up even better sneakers at home for next to nothing? You’ll be the envy of your friends for the whole of the summer in these little beauties – nobody has to know they were so easy to make with a pair of basic sneakers and a bunch of Sharpie markers!

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This is an amazingly simple and effective technique that can be used on any kind of light-colored fabric across the board. Of course, we’re particularly in love with the way it can transform a standard pair of sneakers into something seriously cool – take a look at the pictures here and you’ll see what we’re talking about!

Brilliant for men’s and women’s shoes alike…not to mention those gorgeous tiny sneakers made for babies and toddlers…it takes just a few minutes to create a unique piece of art like nothing else you’ve ever seen before!

(Project by manualidadesreciclables)

Dyeing Shoes at Home

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The whole idea of these amazing shoes is that each time you make a new pair, it will be at least slightly different from any other pair you’ve ever made – unique results are guaranteed, every time! Experiment with as many different colors as you like, or perhaps see what happens when you use the same technique on different colors of fabric!

To help you get started, there’s a brief tutorial video below that will guide you through the process. Once you’ve got the hang of it, you’ll be able to let your imagination take over and run wild with all the amazing ideas you can dream up!

Tie Die Shoes With Sharpies! [Video Tutorial]

YouTube video

And if it’s not just shoes you want to dye

You can also refashion old t-shirts  with this fabulous swirl tie dye technique! It looks totally fantastic, and fun. Tutorial by I Love To Create.

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These amazing DIY Comic Book Shoes