How easy is this Pull-Through Braid to pull off? Well, let’s just say it’s so easy that even the average daddy could do it…and that’s really saying something! So simple and yet so incredibly effective, the result of the Pull-Through Braid is something of a cascade of inverted hearts that look unlike anything you’ve ever seen before!
But what’s really best of all is despite the fact that the finished result looks incredibly professional, you’ll need nothing more than a few regular hair styling bits and pieces to pull it off!
What You’ll Need
All you’ll need to make your own Pull-Through Braid is a handful of bobby pins and a few small elastic bands – the kind designed for use with the hair. It’s then a case of following these few simple steps to create this uniquely pretty effect which nobody will believe wasn’t the work of a professional salon:
- Start by tying the hair into a ponytail at the top back area of the head.
- Split the ponytail in two, take the upper section and tie an elastic band two inches below the ponytail elastic, split the two inch area in two, put your fingers through it, and pull through and out the second section of the ponytail.
- Now, take another elastic band and tie it two inches below the previous one, split and pull through and out the first section of the ponytail.
- Take a third elastic band and repeat the steps until you get to the end of your tail.
It might feel a bit tricky and fiddly the first couple of times, but it won’t be long before you can create the same effect practically with your eyes closed! And once your friends see what you can do, chances are you’ll be inundated with requests to do the very same for them!
Pull Through Braid Hairstyle [Free Instructional Video]