For a few years not, the idea of making awesome DIY projects with pop tabs has been very “in”. Pictures of pop tab clothing have gone viral on the Internet and school kids have done pop tab drives to raise money for charities, sparked by the fascination with these weird little handles. If you’re anything like us, you’re probably kind of intrigued by the idea of making things like everyday accessories out of metal pieces!
All Day Chic guides you through the process of creating not just a chain linked clutch out of pop can tabs, but one that actually links together in a floral pattern for a little extra style! If you’re good at crochet or knitting, we don’t think you’ll have many problems with this craft, even if it looks slightly daunting because of its intricacy!
Do you love making accessories that combine feminine and slightly industrial aesthetics? Then this pop tab and ribbon cuff bracelet is the perfect project for you! Follow the steps outlined on Fab Art DIY to get this ultra modern look.
Do you like the idea of crocheting little linked flowers out of pop tabs like the first idea shows you how to do, but you’d rather create a small change purse than a clutch? Look no further than this absolutely gorgeous concept by Omakoppa! Rather than linking several small flowers together, you’ll link layers of pop tabs to the same flower so it looks like an industrial blossom blooming on each side of the pouch.
Knack shows you how to link six pop tabs together like an industrial hexagon charm in order to create a simple but eye catching necklace lace onto a thin leather thong. We love the simplicity of the project, even though it still looks very complicated at first glance.
DIY Real guides you through the process of making this awesomely chunky, industrial chic collar necklace that will be a statement pieces with any outfit. We love how the linked pop tabs make it look almost like old fashioned chain maille!
When we look at this pop tab belt, we’re automatically transported back to the pop-punk pyramid belts of the early 2000s music scene, and we’re not mad about that at all! In fact, we’re about ready to put this post on hold and go follow Bri Lynn ‘s tutorial video ourselves.
You can do more than just accessories with your pop tabs! They’re great for a bit of unique, industrial looking home decor too. This small lampshade design by How To Instructions, for example, will add either a mod-nouveau or a bright pop-art element to your space, depending on whether you stick with all silver pop tabs or spend some time collecting brightly coloured ones.
This amazing little bag by ErikaCreativa is so visually interesting that we can’t believe it’s homemade and not store bought. The pop tabs make it look very metallic and modern, but the floral embellishment and delicate clasp give it a vintage element as well. We simply adore the contrast within this piece.
Did you always love the way beaded curtains looked but you never found ones that looked quite as modern as you wanted them too within your space? Dori the Giant suggests using linked pop tabs instead of beads to get the same effect but with a much more modern aesthetic.
Instead of linking your tabs with string and a crochet hook, why not make a more jewelry based projects by using closing links to keep them together, like store bought bracelets often have? We absolutely adore the way Totally Green Crafts embellished this piece with a drop bead on the end of each tab.
Pinterest has another challenging project for you, and this time it’s a home decor look! Instead of actually linking the tabs like a chain, grab your strongest glue and carefully layer them one by one around the frame of a mirror until you’ve created an ultra modern looking sunburst effect.