We know that most people tend to do a huge cleaning and clearing out job every now and then even beyond spring. That’s how we started realizing that we owned an inordinate number of bed sheets! Some of them were very old and definitely due to be thrown out whileothers were a little worn but still good, making them perfect for a donation. Even after those things, however, we realized that we still had several sets of bed sheets that were brand new and left over! We weren’t sure what to do with all of them, so we took to the Internet to find some upcycling inspiration. We were not disappointed!
Just in case you’ve been looking for new ways to upcycle bed sheets too, here are 15 of the best ideas we found for sheets of all different states, qualities, and levels of use!
Do you have a set of plain white sheets that are actually still quite nice, so you kept them, but you find them pretty boring because you have so many sets of plain white? In that case, we definitely think you should give this awesome sheet dying project a try! Rather than just soaking them in fabric dye for a solid look, however, we’d suggest taking a look at this very cool Shibori tutorial from Land of Nod! They show you how to use a technique not unlike tie dying to get the circular and dotted shapes you see on the sheets above. This would look great in literally any colour!
Have you found an old set of sheets that you absolutely adore the pattern and colour of, but they don’t match your current bedroom décor so you know you probably won’t use them? Well, it sounds to us like you have everything you need to make a great set of upcycled curtains! Just in case that sounds a little too intimidating because you don’t sew, however, here’s a very simple no-sew curtain pattern from Still Being Molly that is actually also made with a set of older but bright, fun sheets.
Do you have many sets of old sheets that you’re probably just going to throw out because they’re very faded or maybe even torn? In that case, you have the perfect bundles of fabric on your hands to make yourself a DIY braided strip rug! Spoonful of Imagination guides you through the process of stripping the sheets, braiding different colours together in a very long rope, spiralling it flat, and sewing it in place until you have a complete floor mat.
Are you expecting soon but you’re trying to keep your costs as low as possible and prepare for Baby in whatever thrifty ways you can? In that case, we have a great idea here from Blissfully Ever After that we think might peak your interest! Their tutorial shows you step by step how to pare a set of full sized bed sheets down and alter them to make sheets that are the perfect size for a baby’s crib.
Have you found some old sheets that have somehow made their way from generation to generation until they were passed down to you? Well, you might not use the top sheets if they’ve been worn very thin, but they’ll certainly make great material for altering and making something new! We love the way Jedi Craft Girl turned a set of very old sheets into a few pillow cases that automatically have a vintage aesthetic… because they are vintage! We also can’t get over how great the lace edging they added looks.
Perhaps you actually have enough sheets in different colours and patterns already, so you don’t need to alter any in order to make new ones, and you didn’t really find any that were good for upcycling into other things, so now you’re just looking for DIY storage solutions for the sheet sets that you’re keeping? Then we’d suggest taking a look at how Martha Stewart folded their sheets in the furoshiki style! This lets you bundle all the pieces of a sheet set together in a need little package, folded small and tied together so you can just grab the colour or pattern you want nice and easy when it’s time to chance the sheets, rather than searching the closet for that spare pillow case that always escapes the set somewhere.
Have you gotten some nice new sheets for your bed but the old ones you had on before actually still kind of match the décor and you’d rather not waste them even though you don’t really need more sets for swapping out on laundry day? then perhaps you’d make more use of a cute contrasting bed skirt instead! Rather than buying one new, let DIY Projects World show you how to make one from that old set that older set that already has all the right colours.
Are you still looking for ways to jazz up a set of old plain white sheets but you’re not sure you’re quite ready to tackle fabric dying quite to the level required for the Shibori sheets we showed you earlier? In that case, we think you might appreciate this paint stamping technique from Conversation Pieces instead! They show you how to use a potato sliced into a wedge shape to print read shapes all over a white sheet. They also show you how to add a green rind and black seeds to transform each red wedge into a delicious looking slice of watermelon! These sheets are so cheerful that they’ll make you feel happy no matter what time of year it is and whether watermelons are in season right now or not.
Were you intrigued by the baby bed sheets idea that we showed you earlier since you are expecting and you are trying to do things as thriftily as possible, but what you really need for the crib even more than sheets is a set of bumpers? In that case, we have a feeling you’ll really appreciate this awesome, straight forward tutorial from Hello Nutritarian! Both sides of these reversible crib bumpers are made from different sets of old sheets.
Do you have so many sets of old sheets to upcycle or donate that you could practically make a quilt out of them if they weren’t so thin? Well, those are the same lines that Dazzle While Frazzled was kind of thinking along, but because the sheets are so thin even when they’re sewn together in sections, they used the “quilt” as an outdoor picnic blanket instead!
Are you hosting an event for a special occasion soon and you’re trying to keep the décor costs down so that you have more space in the budget for things like great food? We sure can’t say we blame you there! We cut party costs wherever we can possibly by replacing small elements of the event with DIY options at every opportunity. That’s why we loved this bedsheet-turned-tablecloth idea from Zaaberry! As long as the sheets either matches or stylishly contrasts the rest of your party décor, you’re in business.
Do you have a whole bunch of bed sheets in the same colour but a range of shades from when your kids were little, but now their tastes have changed and they don’t demand that everything in their lives be pink anymore? Well, we wouldn’t necessarily suggest changing the colour of the sheets when you can use the fun shade you’ve already got to make something new, but you can use all different shades to make a cool ombre effect within a new project! Check out how HGTV made not just a set of curtains from old sheets, but a set of ruffled curtains that look totally awesome and add a lot of character to the room no matter what colour you choose.
Did you already make the baby crib sheets but you still have a lot of the patterned sheet that you upcycled left over? Well, before you consider throwing it out, try making yourself a matching changing table pad too! Hair Teasing & Hair Bows shows you how to make the pad in just a few surprisingly simple steps so you can have a nursery that’s adorably cohesive in how its decorated, right down to the essential pieces.
Perhaps you’d actually like to keep the sheets you want to upcycle as snowy white as possible because you think a stark white surrounded by accent pieces in the rest of the room is beautiful, but you still have more pairs than you need and you’d still like to add some visual appeal to them? Then perhaps you’d prefer to give them some texture instead! This straight forward tutorial from Lindapedante Dreams shows you how to make stitched pinches in the fabric to create a cute pin tuck duvet cover to match your stark white sheets.
Have you always been such a huge fan of crafting for your whole family that you even make DIY projects for your dog? We’re totally guilty of pet crafting as well, especially when it gives us an opportunity to upcycle one thing into something more useful. That’s why we loved this bedsheet doggy bed idea from GYCT Designs the moment we saw it! Their tutorial does involve some simple sewing, but no more than would be required to make a regular pillow case but in different proportions.