VIEW IN GALLERYHere is a easy tutorials to make this beautiful woven bead necklace for summer . One of the best parts of this project is the fact that the colors are customizable, just buy whatever beads go with your style,clothes and mood.
What you will need:
– seed beads (this project has two colors, but you can choose more or just one color);
– jewelry thread;
– 2 silver jump rings;
– 2 silver cones;
– silver lobster clasp;
– glue;
– 2 head pins;
– scissors;
– 2 needle nose pliers;
– jewelry needle.
1. String the seeds onto the thread. You will use four sets of three 30 inches long strands.
2. Tie and tape the strands to the table. Start from the right, then move to the left.
3. Start with moving group one of weaves under group two, group two, under group three and group three under group four. You have to get something like in the pictures.
4. Once you reached the bottom of the necklace wrap some thread around all the strands, cut all excess strands and tie them together in one knot.
5. Insert a head pin into the silver cone of the ends and attach jump ring to the silver cones of the ends. Glue the cones to the end of the necklace, wait it to dry and you are done.
You can now show off what you made!