Outdoor cooking is one of the great ways to enjoy the outdoor. Everyone would want to have a beautiful outdoor kitchens with a fancy counter top and powerful grills and ovens ,but usually they come at a high price . And a full outdoor kitchen requires dedicated space as well as your bank balance. If you don’t have the dedicated space or the bank balance, don’t despair.
Here is a nice idea for making portable outdoor kitchen, it’s a clever solution .This portable kitchen is perfect for those of you who are short on backyard space. It’s easy to move around your and when not in use, you can easily store it in your garage or shed to keep it protected from outdoor elements. And you don’t need spend much ,
Take a careful look over the list of necessary materials and follow the instructions from the link below. In a weekend’s spare time you will have your own working outdoor kitchen! Photo source:goodshomedesign,full tutorial by Instructables . Enjoy ~~
Click here for the perfect barbeque Tutorial