Chances are you’ve seen these little lovelies in stores already and you’ll know they aren’t cheap, right? Well, now’s your chance to not only save money, but come up with the amazing fabric owl pillow of your dreams that’s 100% unique to you and of seriously higher quality than the store-bought kind!
Best of all – you can even create a fabulous fabric owl that doubles up as a remote control holder!
Each and every one of your creations will spring to life with a real personality and character of its own! In fact, we simply guarantee that you will not be able to stop after just one or two – you’ll no doubt end up with at least a dozen around the home, not to mention many more at the homes of your friends! Everyone will want one, which makes it all the better that they’re not only incredibly fun to make, but also cost next to nothing to put together!
A Real Hoot!
Believe it or not, all you’ll really need to get started is:
- Fabric Of Your Choosing
- Polyfill
- Scissors
- Sewing Machine
- A Quality Template (Printed)
It’s simply a case of printing out the template, cutting your fabric pieces appropriately and then stitching them together – nothing could be easier! It’s a great project to get the kids involved with and see just how creative they can be – you never know what they might come up with!
So take a little inspiration from the owls populating this page — or Shanny Loves, directly — arm yourself with this free template and take a look at the video for the rest – you’ll be having a real hoot in no time!

One more thing. Check these: