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Ultra-Easy Way to Remove Wine and Grease Stains

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Watching your favorite TV show after a long, hard week even as you sip away at a glass of wine or five is probably the best way to relax indeed. Throw in a Pizza slice or two and things become even better. And while this downtime has many upsides to it, stains are definitely not one of those. It becomes even worse when you end up with really tough stains, on your favorite t-shirt. But do not chuck it away just yet!

Today, we have a simple solution to get rid of all those ‘super hard to remove’ stains and it is simple as hell. It seems that the folk at American Express have invested plenty of time on this topic and they suggest you start investing some cash in vinegar! That’s right; all you need to remove those annoying stains is some liquid dish soap and vinegar.

VIEW IN GALLERYwine and food stains  technique

Start off by combining 3 parts of liquid dish soap with 1 part water and applying it on the stain and make sure you get rid of the stain as much as possible. From here, soak the shirt or tee in white vinegar and slowly work the stain out completely.

Just throw it in your laundry cycle to get rid of any soaked up vinegar and you are done! The whole thing is indeed as simple as it sounds and you have your shirt (or in some of cases, the sweatpants) back without any sign of those wine stains.

Still not sure? check out the video below and let us know if this worked for you.

YouTube video