It’s one thing to walk around with a super chic bag, but it’s another thing to have an accessory that is very functional as well. Making stylish pieces is easy, but it’s often much harder to find a piece that would be equally as practical as it is beautiful. Your bag is supposed to safely carry your most personal possessions and one of the most secure designs can be found in DIY cross-body bags!
1. Plaid Cross-Body Bag
The plaid pattern is recognizable and familiar, ideal for those of you who want to bring something classic to your style. The beauty of DIY projects is that you can always choose your own color palette, so opt for bright and joyful colors to give the plaid cross-body bag a unique look! Find out the details at A Kailo Chic Life.
2. Tassel Cross-Body Bag
A cross-body bag can have a super fun design and is often the perfect choice for everyday fashion. It can easily become the piece that brings a fun undertone to your whole outfit. You’re going to be using the power of tassels and the brilliant tutorial by Paper & Stitch!
3. Fold-Over Cross-Body Bag
The fold-over design is considered very fashionable – it’s dynamic and innovative, giving your personal style a sense of exclusivity and modernism. If you feel that your everyday fashion could benefit from this, visit iCandy Handmade and learn how to make a cross-body bag in a fold-over style!
4. Striped Cross-Body Bag
Your cross-body bag can have any color or pattern that your heart desires, there are truly no limitations to the creativity you can express through a project like this and the design itself works well with professional, stylish or leisure styles. Here’s a casual striped bag by Sisters, What!
5. Round Cross-Body Bag
The reason why we love cross-body bags so much is because they can be very big and can store a lot of things, but if you would rather have something small and adorable, a piece that capitalizes on cuteness, this round bag by DIY Tutorial Ideas might be what you need!
6. Gold Chain Cross-Body Bag
If you often create accessories and other style pieces for yourself, then you know that the charm always lies in the details. Sometimes it’s the smallest thing that makes a piece looks gorgeous. In the case of Fabric Paper Glue‘s cross-body bag, it’s the addition of the gold chain!
7. Asymmetrical Cross-Body Bag
Let’s be honest, cross-body bags are a very common accessory and you likely see a lot of them every single day. If you are ever the chaser of originality, you’re going to love the asymmetrical bag we found at Sew 4 Home! It’s still the classic cross-body design, but it has an added element of creativity!
8. Studded Cross-Body Bag
When you think of studded accessories you probably think about really edgy, punk-rock pieces, but the reality can be very different. Studs and elegance do go hand in hand. Choosing a material in a serene and gentle color goes a long way! Check out the beautiful and gentle studded cross-body bag by Making It Lovely.
9. Crochet Cross-Body Bag
Crochet is usually associated with scarves and blankets, but your crocheting skills can absolutely play their part in the creation of your new accessory. A crochet cross-body bag is a light accessory that is perfect for the days when you only need to carry the essentials! Get the pattern at Crochet for You.
10. Messenger Cross-Body Bag
Sometimes you really do need a big bag that can store a lot of items that you need to carry around every day! The messenger style cross-body bag by Sew What Alicia is the perfect accessory for the job, giving you the option of having free hands while carrying all of your essentials and looking fabulous at the same time!