It’s amazing what what you can do with nothing more than a few stones, a bunch of paints and a little imagination – the sky’s the limit and then some! However, we have to say that of all the ideas we’ve come across, these DIY stone cactus ornaments are among the simplest and most effective!
As you can see from the images, it’s really just a case of taking a few stones of different sizes and getting busy with the paints!
From the smallest pebbles to much larger rocks, it’s all up to you how large and varied you make your very own stone cactus collection.
Try out a few shades of green or even mix it up with the wildest colors of your choosing – either way you’re guaranteed an amazing results! And just to sweeten the deal a little further, don’t forget that stones are far easier to care for than living plants and might just last for a lifetime!
Stone Cactuses: Fabulous Family Fun
One of our favorite things about this stone cactus project is the way in which it’s perfectly suited to adults and kids of all ages. Simply invest in a bunch of kid-friendly paints, grab a few magic markers and you’re good to go!
With just a few stones and a couple of planters, you’ll soon find yourself with an amazingly fun and vibrant result that will look great anywhere in the garden!
That being said, you could always brighten up the indoors with one or two of these beauties too!
Trust us when we say that the moment your kids get bitten by the craft bug, they really won’t be able to get enough of simple home projects like these!
Check out the video tutorial below and set aside a couple of hours this weekend – you won’t regret it! It’s a great weekend project, take our word for it.